Few months ago i’ve found i nice youtube channel.
This channel is about driving in Tokyo or other Japan regions and i love these videos, they are relaxing and have an Amazing Music as Background.
The youtuber ID (nickname) is Tsukapon100. A lot of His videos give me something like emotions of “take careless of all” don’t worry or like “take a good time, see how beautiful it’s the world and don’t forget it”.
Yes i love Japan and i like these videos.
This man have done a beautiful video with a car, a video camera, a good song and (i think) few money.
So i spread his video now!
Music: Ulrich Schnauss – Gone Forever
Music: Cyberbird – OST Ghost In The Shell
For someone these videos could be simple without anything of really “nice” but for me these videos give Emotions even if they are really simple videos.